Obesity Tips

Below few tips to fight with obesity condition...
1. Avoid sugary food, dairy product, meat, cold drinks, tea, egg yolk fatty and oily food, bread and rice.
2. Avoid stress depression and tension. Pranayama releases your stress and depressions.
3. You can try hot black coffee without sugar before going for walking or jogging. It will help to burn your fat.
4. Kapalbhati pranayama is the best breathing exercise to burn your belly fat. You can practice it for 5-20 minutes daily.
5. Do not skip your break fast. But no dairy product. You can have chapattis.
6. Drink more water.
7. When you wake up in the morning you can drink warm lemon water without sugar with 2 table spoon honey daily for 2 months.
8. Exercise is very important.
9. Walking or jogging for 15 -30 minutes will keep you physically active. It will reduce your weight as well as improve your mood. It will increase your blood circulation and reduce high cholesterol which is important for your heart.
10. If you are working in office then keep moving after an 30 minutes. Do not sit on chair for long time.
11. Running and yogasana are important. It will keep you physically active.
12. Do not eat when you are stressed or bored.
13. Lauki vegetable juice is also very good to reduce weight. But it should be sweet. If not then avoid it.
14. Dinner should be very light. Means 2 chapatis only.
15. Suryanamaskar, bhujangasana, dhanurasana, halasana are important to loose belly.
16. Never give up.
17. Any exercise should be done on an empty stomach.
18. One more thing, check your weight as well as tummy daily in the mirror. It will motivate you to achieve your target.
Start from today.
You can do it.
Best of luck...!